Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Landscaping Ideas for Your Florida Beachfront Home

Having a Florida Gulf Coast waterfront property can be both relaxing, and challenging at the same time. Since the property is off the water, harsh ocean elements can harm the landscaping and prove to be a challenge to keep it maintained. Salt spray from the ocean waves or salt air can make it hard for plants to absorb water and cause the plants to die. Maintaining your landscape is very important if you want to keep the property value of your property high. Here are a few ways you can help to improve and maintain the functionality of your landscape while being cost effective:

Salt water vegetation is one way to ensure that the landscaping outside of your gulf coast property survives the salty conditions of having a beachfront property. Salt water vegetation is also known as an aquatic plant, a plant that has adapted to living in salt water and either requires to be emerged in water or at the water's surface. If your home is within 1/8th of a mile from the shore, then you should vary on which salt-tolerant plants you should be planting in your landscape. Various places offer salt tolerant trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, vines, and ground covers. By researching each salt tolerant plant, you can see which plants work best for your property.

A plants exposure to the sun is crucial. So when choosing the best plants to landscape your home, make sure that you are taking into consideration how much exposure to the sun that particular plant may require. There are some local Florida nursery's that will be able to tell you whether a certain plant should be directly exposed to the sun, partially exposed to the sun, or not exposed to the sun at all.

Proper planning will ensure that you aren't spending tons of money for your landscaping, and it will make maintaining your vacation home a lot easier.

Be sure to incorporate Hardscape into your landscaping ideas for your Florida home. Try adding non-grassy elements into your landscaping plan that would help make maintaining your landscape a lot easier. Natural stones, mulch, and bricks can create a unique walkway from your home to the beach. It can also be an environmentally friendly way of keeping pollutants and runoff water from your landscape and the beach.

Do you have any cool or environmentally friendly ideas that you have incorporated into the landscape of your gulf coast property? We want to know!

More about Golf-2-Gulf-Luxury-Properties
8200 Health Center Blvd #101
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
(239) 248-9483

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